We have Officially launched!

In life, we face moments that challenge our creativity and spirit. As the sun sets on one chapter, a new journey awaits.

Marlene Simone’s CEO, Simone McGowan, a visionary in the world of fashion, experienced a profound loss that threatened to extinguish her creativity. After her mother passed, she lost a significant part of herself. Her world felt empty, her designs uninspired. But within the depths of her grief, Simone discovered a seedling of strength, buried deep within her aching heart. With each flowing fabric, she began to redefine her artistry, to blossom amidst the darkness.

Today, Marlene Simone proudly unveils its eighth collection. An expression of newfound strength and resilience. "8: The Renaissance" Collection, homage to the past, celebration of new beginnings and empowerment to other women. Join us on this journey of rebirth, where fashion becomes a testament of strength and a caress to the soul. "8: The Renaissance" Collection, eight pieces representing our eighth year in this magnificent industry, a testament to the power of rebirth and the pursuit of timeless elegance. Together, let's rediscover the beauty of living, the beauty of the Renaissance!

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1 comment

Beautifully written Sim. I’m extremely proud of you ❤️

Simone McGowan

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